I really, really like this one. Yarns are Eco Duo in Vanilla and what I'm quite certain is Mochi Plus in Intense Rainbow (it was in a bag of scrap yarn I scored a long time ago, with tiny amounts of some really great yarns; I'm so happy to have been able to use it).
It's not perfect (I hadn't quite reached the blue by the time the yoke was the right length, so the rainbow extends a bit down the body), but it's gratifying to watch over time as my technical work improves. I'm working on better finishing right now. Underarms are a plague (I get ghastly holes at either side of the pits; similar to the holes at the gussets of socks that trouble a lot of people), but I'm sure there are some very clever people indeed who have worked out elegant solutions and posted tutorials on YouTube.
Or, you know...if everyone else is MacGyvering it together under there I can rest easy.