This is what homeschooling has been looking like. Molting teenage eagle, very cold, very rainy bird watching, reading, wonderfully nerdy educational websites. We've been busy, too, but at home, when we're alone, it's simple and quiet. Winter stuff.
A friend of mine is observing Lent right now, so I decided to give up using the internet as entertainment. Ash Wednesday served as a fine start date, but I'm not giving it up for 40 days. I'm hoping it will be the new normal by then. I don't mean that I will NOT EVER EVER AGAIN look at a silly website or read the news or whatever, but I have a strict policy all written up. Web journaling is one of the small concessions to non-utilitarian interneting, something creative (between the writing and the photographing) that I can do for a bit, of an evening, after the kids are in bed. End of day two, and I feel very much checked into my life. My kitchen is tidy. There's actually far more time in a day than I realized. I think I might start reading poetry, or something indulgent like that.
I'm doing this Seinfeld thing to try and deal with my procrastination problem, too, which I find humorous and exciting. It needs to work because I'm suddenly rather seriously committed to a few volunteering gigs and I can't let people down.
This is good. Time is mine. My world is mine. The children grow and grow and grow, I don't wish to miss it.
Poetry suggestions welcome.